Kid Lit Bits Blog
Story Time at Perimeter School
A Special Day...
Thank you Mrs. Johnson's class for a wonderful time sharing stories.
Jackson Pearce on Writing the YA Novel
Jackson Pearce spelled out the Basics of Writing the YA Novel at her recent Writers’ Workshop sponsored by the Friends of the Library, the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators and Southern Breeze.

YA Basics
Word Count -- over 50,000 is typical
Forbidden Topics -- none
Specific Genre -- the gamut
YA qualifier -- ages of main characters

YA Rule # 1 Respect Your Audience
According to Jackson, being a teenager is not a joke, especially to the teenager. Sure, teens are often dramatic, but that is because many experiences are new and oh, so real, and heart-pounding to them. However, she cautioned, being inexperienced is not the same as being stupid. Teenagers might be known for making poor choices, but that is only one aspect of their character
YA Rule # 2 Remember --Writers are Story Tellers
There’s no need to play policeman, mother, father or even Aesop. In YA stories, there is no need to lecture, point out poor choices or reveal a moral.
YA Rule # 3 Write for the Love of Writing
What Else?
Keep a list of ideas
Know your beginning, middle, and end before you start writing
Outline, so you’ll know where you’re going, even if the plot deviates
Write down ideas that might happen
Fill in plot holes
Know what is important about your characters that matter to the story
Writing chronologically is not necessary -- if you get stuck, write the exciting parts, write the kissing parts.
First drafts suck, but you can’t edit a blank page
Revise, revise, revise until your story is its absolute best and you would change nothing.
Then go back to that list of ideas and repeat...