Kid Lit Bits Blog
Octavia Boone's Big Questions About Life, the Universe and Everything
At turns touching and humorous, this story shines with a cast of convincing characters all seen through the eyes of an introspective main character with keen vision.
Well done.
Picture Book Intensive with Lola Schaefer
Lola, the author of over 200 books for children, shared her expertise with us for a PB intensive. Using published and unpublished stories, she pointed to successful formulas that keep young readers turning the page, and, as important, reading the story again and again.
WIK 2011 featuring Lisa Yee
SCBWI Southern Breeze WIK was an unqualified success with informative presentations by writers, editors and agents from across the country. It was my pleasure to be Lisa’s “Angel” for the entire event and learn first hand about her successful writing career. (Oct. 15, 2011)
WIK Featured Guests
WIK featured guests included not only keynote speakers Lisa Yee and SCBWI founder Lin Oliver, but also Linda Pratt, literary agent, Melissa Manlove, editor at Chronicle Books and Alexandra Cooper, Senior Editor at Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. Executive Art Director for Penguin Young Readers Design Group, Deborah Kaplan, was also on hand.
pictured above, from top left, Melissa Manlove, Lisa Yee & Lyn Oliver, and Linda Pratt.